sharwest: the spread
sharwest: first bottle opening
sharwest: first bottle [of many many]
sharwest: deedee & john
sharwest: aqua beauty
sharwest: carmon gave me a brand new tripod!
sharwest: fireworks!
sharwest: last selfie of 2005
sharwest: midnight selfie
sharwest: heading for the roof
sharwest: everyone's upstairs
sharwest: handy
sharwest: big pimpin'
sharwest: bootilicious
sharwest: smooth
sharwest: chaos
sharwest: three dancers
sharwest: get funky!
sharwest: my favorites! ;)
sharwest: just in time[r]
sharwest: he's in there
sharwest: banished :(
sharwest: stylie man
sharwest: macdaddy
sharwest: cheers
sharwest: abandon party shoes: my first shoeshot
sharwest: tooooooooooot!
sharwest: possessed by the music