sharwest: DSC02844.JPG
sharwest: fall on the trail
sharwest: DSC02806.JPG
sharwest: the quincy squash
sharwest: sydney
sharwest: muted
sharwest: DSC02855.JPG
sharwest: fuzzy grass
sharwest: pinkness
sharwest: DSC02816.JPG
sharwest: fall morning 2
sharwest: fall morning 1
sharwest: good morning moon
sharwest: fall berries
sharwest: sunday morning on the trail with syd
sharwest: raindrop leaf
sharwest: sumac
sharwest: pink leaves
sharwest: red leaf
sharwest: leaves on pavement
sharwest: shadow and leaves
sharwest: loch ness
sharwest: maple leaves
sharwest: leaves
sharwest: fall 279
sharwest: leaves from my tree
sharwest: falls ravine 3
sharwest: falls ravine 4
sharwest: wet leaves