Kalense Kid:
no sense to change my ways
Kalense Kid:
where the old gods dream
Kalense Kid:
neither beast nor human
Kalense Kid:
hit me with those laser beams
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
through a glass darkly
Kalense Kid:
tales of the drift
Kalense Kid:
forever stopped today
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
there there
Kalense Kid:
morning on the Southern Alps
Kalense Kid:
okarito kiwitours
Kalense Kid:
Tasman shore
Kalense Kid:
Mt Tasman
Kalense Kid:
beach at the end of the world
Kalense Kid:
surround yourself in light
Kalense Kid:
faces in the wood
Kalense Kid:
Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae on the verge of extinction
Kalense Kid:
Tasman and the Pioneer Host
Kalense Kid:
hardest part is to not let go
Kalense Kid:
9 times a day
Kalense Kid:
too much emotion
Kalense Kid:
still life with stones
Kalense Kid:
before the burst of tambourines
Kalense Kid:
alluvial debris
Kalense Kid:
gun fhois is gun saorsa
Kalense Kid:
little things give you away
Kalense Kid:
dirty day
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
air sraidean gun ghaol