Kalense Kid:
algae on the wall
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
picked over
Kalense Kid:
instants in the light
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
nothing to do and all day to do it
Kalense Kid:
o ruin'd piece of nature
Kalense Kid:
whatcha got for mr roboto
Kalense Kid:
a place you only dreamt of
Kalense Kid:
i get knocked down
Kalense Kid:
some damned col or other
Kalense Kid:
an instrument to measure spring with
Kalense Kid:
will any of us ever be the same
Kalense Kid:
hard glad weather
Kalense Kid:
yo soi titiri
Kalense Kid:
they ha' ridden o'er moss and moor
Kalense Kid:
Cascading through the days
Kalense Kid:
planes to catch and bills to pay
Kalense Kid:
Ecklonia maxima
Kalense Kid:
Granny, does your dog bite?
Kalense Kid:
where the wine comes from
Kalense Kid:
hills above Wellington
Kalense Kid:
rock circle
Kalense Kid:
pools of light
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
tile rows
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
Kalense Kid:
sunlit whitewash
Kalense Kid:
and the meek shall inherit