natebedortha: Lakefront Brewery Posse
natebedortha: My winning double score in Hoosier Golf
natebedortha: Is this irony? Julie from Tulsa
natebedortha: A creek in Athens
natebedortha: I really love kudzu
natebedortha: my feet hurt
natebedortha: Cactus in Georgia?
natebedortha: A car in Athens
natebedortha: Even more kudzu
natebedortha: More Kudzu
natebedortha: Kudzu in Athens
natebedortha: I walked down this train track at 6 AM
natebedortha: A crazy grasshopper in Athens
natebedortha: Pretty much every block looks like this
natebedortha: The saddest thing ever
natebedortha: Cars under the freeway in New Orleans
natebedortha: 6 guys made of rock
natebedortha: Sad sack
natebedortha: Thirty Two Inches Of Po' Boy.
natebedortha: Docking later
natebedortha: Shirts Off Dudes On
natebedortha: Gorky in Cruces
natebedortha: This frozen cat is protecting our precious 24/7s
natebedortha: Perfect!
natebedortha: Half done
natebedortha: Spray Painting Records
natebedortha: Bike Safety is Dan Padilla's top priority
natebedortha: Paul Trash and his dream woman
natebedortha: Topical, yet relevant
natebedortha: StaFresh