natebedortha: Doug and his Lady
natebedortha: Zangief makes pancakes
natebedortha: Ricky's Got A Gun
natebedortha: Pitfire Part 1
natebedortha: Pitfire Part 2
natebedortha: Pitfire Part 3
natebedortha: My Pizza
natebedortha: a gas station in Arizona.
natebedortha: A Double-Double and a grilled cheese.
natebedortha: Shit, bud, van's tight.
natebedortha: I just ate Waffle House, my rattail approves.
natebedortha: Chud Baby Onesie.
natebedortha: A Sculpture at The Thing
natebedortha: Second Ammendment Are Go
natebedortha: Another sculpture at The Thing
natebedortha: The Thing is a fake mummy!
natebedortha: "What" are apostrophes for?
natebedortha: Keep America Beautiful...
natebedortha: This is where I sleep at Lew's House.
natebedortha: Lew taking a piss bright and early.
natebedortha: Max and Ansel.
natebedortha: Wolfman is ready to party.
natebedortha: Billy G at SXSW
natebedortha: Ricky at SXSW
natebedortha: Wolfman at SXSW.
natebedortha: JC Trash at SXSW
natebedortha: Scary Carnival
natebedortha: Ansel on my lap.
natebedortha: Migas and Guacamole Taco.