Sharkems: Tree on ruins
Sharkems: Shipra and tourist
Sharkems: Carved wall
Sharkems: Doorway
Sharkems: Kid with hat
Sharkems: Carved wall
Sharkems: Stonework
Sharkems: DSC_9749
Sharkems: Danger!
Sharkems: Geeta
Sharkems: Doorway and banyan tree
Sharkems: Hari
Sharkems: Jenn, Geeta, guide
Sharkems: Park worker with Yankees hat
Sharkems: Pillars and doorway
Sharkems: Katy and John
Sharkems: Chickens drinking from coconut
Sharkems: Tuk tuk
Sharkems: Buddha
Sharkems: Huge carving
Sharkems: Temple top
Sharkems: Hari
Sharkems: Guy and Hari
Sharkems: Hari, Guy, Geeta and Anne
Sharkems: Old woman
Sharkems: Pillar
Sharkems: Pillars
Sharkems: Jeff in hallway