SHARKBAYTE: (15.04.2010) #365Project/Day 105 "dōmo, konnichiwa" (どうも、こんにちは| well Hello there domo!) RAAAAR!!
SHARKBAYTE: #365Project Day 106-as they were out playing a weird looking thing fell in front of them scaring the Domo's.
SHARKBAYTE: Day 107-Domo thought it would be funny to jump out of the bush yelling RAAAR!!! Obey the DOMO!!!..
SHARKBAYTE: Day 108 #365 Project-Ever since the Domos came to live here, things just seem to disappear.
SHARKBAYTE: Snack attack!
SHARKBAYTE: Day 112-#365Project Happy #Earth-Day from the gang!
SHARKBAYTE: Day 114- Little Domo tries to take on Kalus and Fangore
SHARKBAYTE: Day 119 #365Project-Frustration...Domo wanted to ring this space-bug's neck because
SHARKBAYTE: Day 124/365- I love a parade!
SHARKBAYTE: Day 125/365- who gave him money?
SHARKBAYTE: Day 136 - The boys were hinting where they wanted us to spend the day.
SHARKBAYTE: Day 137- Domo caught in the action!!!
SHARKBAYTE: Raar!!! It's twin Ogres?!
SHARKBAYTE: Day 142-RAAR!!!! Domo tries to get in on the act.
SHARKBAYTE: Day 144-The Zoo after dark.
SHARKBAYTE: Day 146- It doesn't get much better than this!
SHARKBAYTE: Team Spirit! for the #worldcup Soccer/football
SHARKBAYTE: Day 162-#WorldCup Soccer pics_2010 06 11_0023-1
SHARKBAYTE: Day 176/365 New Additions
SHARKBAYTE: Day 178/365 "Heheheheheheee wipe oooout!"
SHARKBAYTE: Things you can't take back (Day 184/365)
SHARKBAYTE: day 208-Moving Day!
SHARKBAYTE: Domo goes missing at the classic car show.
SHARKBAYTE: Hurricane Prep 101-Secure and Tie down anything loose.
SHARKBAYTE: Domo wants to tell
SHARKBAYTE: Homemade Spinach Bread Yum!!!
SHARKBAYTE: BOO!!! Trick or Treat!!
SHARKBAYTE: Domo's Thanksgivng
SHARKBAYTE: Say Cheese!!
SHARKBAYTE: Happy Valentine's Day!