sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Does anyone know the name of this bush? It was planted by birds. It gets reddish pink berries in fall.
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Indian Pipe( Monotropa uniflora)
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Unknown Field Flower
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: I'm back and glad to see May go. Canada Mayflower Maianthemum canadense
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: No Longer Unidentified
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Follow the Bouncy Bokeh
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: The Geometry of the Daisy
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: The Gathering Place
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Queen Anne's Garden
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Bee in Queen Anne's Garden
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Now identified flower-Sulphur Cinquefoil
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Storksbill with s. name