sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Swallowtail on Rhdodendendron...
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
European Skipper
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
...A Beautiful Day to be a Butterfly
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Hobomok Skipper on Mock Orange
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Little Wood Satyr Dorsal
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Spot the differences
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Meadow Fritillary
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Aphrodite fritillary
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Cabbage white
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Slightly used swallowtail
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Pearl Crescent Dorsal
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American Lady
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Summer Azure
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Pipevine Swallowtail Ventral
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Spicebush Butterfly on Zinnia
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Another little pleasure
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
A New One for the Yard
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Butterfly of the day
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White Admiral
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Nature's Colors
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Common Ringlet with Beetle
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Wood Nymph August
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Viceroy Dorsal
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Black Swallowtail
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Black Swallowtail Male
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Almost a Stranger
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Fritillaries at dusk
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Pretty on Pink
sharis snaps -Here sporadically:
Cloudless Sulphur Dorsal