sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Ventral
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Black Swallowtail in flight
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Spicebush Swallowtail Ventral View
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Spicebush Swallowtail Dorsal
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Mourning cloak dorsal view
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Gray comma butterfly
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Buckeye on milkweed2
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Butterfly weed with monarch and meadow fritillaries
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Aphrodite Fritillary
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: variegated fritillary dorsal
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Variegated Fritillary
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Clouded Sulphur and fritillary
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Red-spotted Purple Butterfly
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Painted lady ventral
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Banded hairstreak ventral
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: cabbage white on wallflower
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Silver spotted Skipper
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Clouded or Orange Sulphur-- white form
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Polyphemus Moth Ventral
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Hummers that aren't
sharis snaps -Here sporadically: Painted lady ventral