Shari DeAngelo:
Of Mother and Daughter
Shari DeAngelo:
Shari DeAngelo:
Big Sister For Sale. Will Trade for Laptop Computer.
Shari DeAngelo:
Saturday Morning TV
Shari DeAngelo:
"This isn't going to end up in my senior yearbook, is it?"
Shari DeAngelo:
Christopher_ b/w_SD2726
Shari DeAngelo:
Cleaning Day in the Garden Shed
Shari DeAngelo:
Shari DeAngelo:
Christopher Resting
Shari DeAngelo:
Blue. Eyed. Wonder.
Shari DeAngelo:
Red, Blue and Charlie Too
Shari DeAngelo:
Shari DeAngelo:
Christopher in Dress Blues
Shari DeAngelo:
Shari DeAngelo:
Autumn Preparedness
Shari DeAngelo:
This Just Sucks, Part II
Shari DeAngelo:
This Just Sucks.
Shari DeAngelo:
Are you Sure About This? Really?
Shari DeAngelo:
Where's the Fire?
Shari DeAngelo:
Beautiful Boy
Shari DeAngelo:
Lucy on Red
Shari DeAngelo:
Saint Christopher's Court