Shari-Lynn1: As the sun goes down
Shari-Lynn1: Raindrops on pink
Shari-Lynn1: Prickly Yellow
Shari-Lynn1: Every cloud has a silver lining...
Shari-Lynn1: Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Shari-Lynn1: Colorful, from the inside...
Shari-Lynn1: Growing Wild
Shari-Lynn1: Reflections in bubbles...
Shari-Lynn1: Just taking a break...
Shari-Lynn1: Things are lookin' up
Shari-Lynn1: Standing on the sidelines
Shari-Lynn1: Silhouette
Shari-Lynn1: Sometimes, luck finds you...
Shari-Lynn1: Bottoms Up!!
Shari-Lynn1: Deer in the headlights look...
Shari-Lynn1: Feeling Blue..
Shari-Lynn1: Which one is the Prince???
Shari-Lynn1: A Kiss at Sunset
Shari-Lynn1: Just follow the path...
Shari-Lynn1: There is just something about the sky and the tree...
Shari-Lynn1: Vacancy #93-Closed
Shari-Lynn1: Time Tested
Shari-Lynn1: Owl Butterfly
Shari-Lynn1: Hello, Mr. Yellow...
Shari-Lynn1: “May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door.”~ Irish Blessing
Shari-Lynn1: A Fence