ShardsOfBlue: entertainmentRoom4
ShardsOfBlue: DSCN2029
ShardsOfBlue: entertainmentRoom3
ShardsOfBlue: PICT2653
ShardsOfBlue: HouseSittingRoom
ShardsOfBlue: HouseBookshelf
ShardsOfBlue: HouseDiningRoom
ShardsOfBlue: bathroom01
ShardsOfBlue: squirrel_dog2
ShardsOfBlue: squirrel_dog1
ShardsOfBlue: house_rain2
ShardsOfBlue: house_rain
ShardsOfBlue: Catty Kit
ShardsOfBlue: Kitty Kitty
ShardsOfBlue: Kitty Cat
ShardsOfBlue: Cat Cat
ShardsOfBlue: Not too sure about the leaky roof
ShardsOfBlue: Dexter With His Toy
ShardsOfBlue: Dex "Action Pose!"
ShardsOfBlue: His $500 Pillow
ShardsOfBlue: He's a Geek Like Us!
ShardsOfBlue: Mattress Car, FTW!
ShardsOfBlue: hug2