CS Sharada Prasad: Easter Corner of the Swimming pool area
CS Sharada Prasad: Swimming construction compound
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Fuel for the stove
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Living in the middle of the rubble
CS Sharada Prasad: IMG_20140703_123942241
CS Sharada Prasad: Informal settlment of the construction workers
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Entrance from the camp to the construction site
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Construction work without any safety gear
CS Sharada Prasad: Cleaning with gloves
CS Sharada Prasad: Pakoras!
CS Sharada Prasad: More Pakoras!
CS Sharada Prasad: My peacock!
CS Sharada Prasad: My peacock!
CS Sharada Prasad: My peacock!