shaoying0529: Yankee's M&M, thanks, Margoo
shaoying0529: 窗外的風景@NL
shaoying0529: 永遠在洗碗的學長,辛苦了
shaoying0529: library@Utrecht University
shaoying0529: UU's domitory (not my school’s)
shaoying0529: 去超市的路上
shaoying0529: domitory
shaoying0529: the little living room and kitchen
shaoying0529: two spider webs
shaoying0529: bus stop
shaoying0529: 某天我的晚餐,番茄義大利麵
shaoying0529: 超市購物去!
shaoying0529: 結果車子發不動,是我們太重的關係嗎
shaoying0529: 苦主在這
shaoying0529: 市集
shaoying0529: 買了一堆東西呀
shaoying0529: 李學斌先生!香港骨荷蘭皮
shaoying0529: 同學們
shaoying0529: 同學們,突然覺得以後我應該會沒有時間亂寫圖說了
shaoying0529: 傳說中的學校鹿園,我沒造假吧
shaoying0529: 隨處都有的林蔭大道
shaoying0529: 繼AU看到鹿過馬路後,又見鹿兒們
shaoying0529: 免費的風景
shaoying0529: 荷蘭的天空,總是有噴射機劃過的線條
shaoying0529: 看看我們買了多少東西,我其實只有一小袋
shaoying0529: 酒鬼,我只能這麼說
shaoying0529: 喔喔喔,我的學校,上課的地方
shaoying0529: 窗外的夕陽
shaoying0529: Happy Birthday, Tomoko