shaoying0529: team members
shaoying0529: mayuko
shaoying0529: mayoko, see you in Tokyo!!
shaoying0529: Cathy, I love you
shaoying0529: Cathy and classmates
shaoying0529: 好吧,我承認我剪頭髮了
shaoying0529: 今天的雲很澎湃
shaoying0529: on the 63th floor of Empire State Building
shaoying0529: on the 63th floor of Empire State Building
shaoying0529: 我上輩子一定是挑磚或挑糞的
shaoying0529: 想要拍我與箱子,結果失敗
shaoying0529: 我真的是獨自一人坐公車運送行李
shaoying0529: Forest Hills Station
shaoying0529: 天仁茗茶!!!
shaoying0529: 這是傳說中的翻花鼓嗎
shaoying0529: 耶,我很有眼光吧這條圍巾
shaoying0529: 永遠很擁擠的Chinatown
shaoying0529: 菜市場
shaoying0529: 中華民國萬歲
shaoying0529: 我的告別日
shaoying0529: 這是你點的口味,來自美國各州
shaoying0529: 很有味道的思川書店
shaoying0529: Margoo and "Antillas"
shaoying0529: ByeBye, Alberto
shaoying0529: chocolate bar
shaoying0529: chocolate bar
shaoying0529: chocolate
shaoying0529: Interior of chocolate bar