aycasan: Butterfly in a green world.
Brian Wayfarer: LA CALMA DEL MAR MENOR. …de la tarde a la noche, se remansa… (Zo) Y
Brian Wayfarer: THOSE WERE THE DAYS… Porque en nuestros corazones los sueños siguen siendo los mismos … #EXPLORE (Zo) Y
Brian Wayfarer: Trotando… caballos que en el viento… #EXPLORE (Zo) Y
Anuj Nair: Pages from a music score of silent melodies - 10
Anuj Nair: Hello!
aycasan: February sun
aycasan: Mom.!! I'm flying!!
Vater_fotografo: 830_D7D3348_bis_Parco_Uditore
Vater_fotografo: 980_D8B_8113_bis_Foglie_Centro_Bonocore
Xena*best friend*: Pleasant Sunbathing In a Cold Day
Xena*best friend*: Ziva ☼ [Explored]
Xena*best friend*: Wishing You a Light Week Ahead >^..^<
Hugotepic: Galveston, Texas
ThijsFr: Dutch classic
Device66.: ... WARMING UP ...
HVargas: Squirrel (2 of 3).jpg
HVargas: HVAR5431-Pano.jpg
HVargas: HV163474-Edit.jpg
SamwiseGamgee69: Full Worm Supermoon / Superluna de gusano
Hugotepic: Oaxaca
Hugotepic: Coffee?
Hugotepic: Saludando
Hugotepic: En busca de la Luz.
Hugotepic: Luces al anochecer
mkopack: Barred owl
RedRoby®: 01-12- 2013 giornata mondiale della lotta contro l'Aids