Shan!: Who knew
Shan!: Dani gettin' pretty
Shan!: Missy eating.
Shan!: Put on your hoodie and just boogie woogie with me
Shan!: BFF
Shan!: Drunk face already
Shan!: Look at them titties!
Shan!: Before they got crazy
Shan!: Me looking all "Benge-ish" ew
Shan!: :)
Shan!: Multi-purpose
Shan!: Ew, girls spit
Shan!: Feel em!
Shan!: the Dubs
Shan!: Jdub comes to the rescue
Shan!: Dani about to fall over
Shan!: She approves
Shan!: :)
Shan!: Uh
Shan!: Fingers
Shan!: Stop looking at em, just kidding!
Shan!: Yeeeeeeh!
Shan!: Hi-5!
Shan!: Mmmm
Shan!: Those girls rock
Shan!: Keep em in Missy!
Shan!: Dance dance
Shan!: I'm sad that Dani is smoking
Shan!: Jesus, stop!