shann.s.yu: 2013-02-03_AlishanView_Panoramic
shann.s.yu: 2013-01-19_YangMingShanView_Panoramic
shann.s.yu: IMG_1664
shann.s.yu: IMG_1663
shann.s.yu: IMG_1667
shann.s.yu: Carnivorous plants at 綠世界生態農場 (Green World Ecological Farm), Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
shann.s.yu: Carnivorous plants at 綠世界生態農場 (Green World Ecological Farm), Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
shann.s.yu: Carnivorous plants at 綠世界生態農場 (Green World Ecological Farm), Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
shann.s.yu: Flowers at a park near 捷運圓山站 in Taipei city. Venue of the 2010 International Floral Expo.
shann.s.yu: Flowers at a park near 捷運圓山站 in Taipei city. Venue of the 2010 International Floral Expo.
shann.s.yu: Flowers at a park near 捷運圓山站 in Taipei city. Venue of the 2010 International Floral Expo.
shann.s.yu: Flowers at a park near 捷運圓山站 in Taipei city. Venue of the 2010 International Floral Expo.
shann.s.yu: Flowers at a park near 捷運圓山站 in Taipei city. Venue of the 2010 International Floral Expo.
shann.s.yu: Flowers at a park near 捷運圓山站 in Taipei city. Venue of the 2010 International Floral Expo.
shann.s.yu: Taroko Gorge in 花蓮縣
shann.s.yu: Pagoda in Taroko Gorge in 花蓮縣
shann.s.yu: Rapids rushing through Taroko Gorge in 花蓮縣
shann.s.yu: Pagoda in Taroko Gorge in 花蓮縣
shann.s.yu: Taroko Gorge tunnels in 花蓮縣
shann.s.yu: Tunnels along the cliffs of Taroko Gorge in 花蓮縣
shann.s.yu: 台北松山藝術公園 Taipei Songshan Art Park View towards the Taipei Stadium under construction.
shann.s.yu: 台北大湖公園 Taipei Dahu Lake Park An urban oasis..