Shannon Rose O'Shea: plecO...M...G!!!
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Giving me the fish-eye
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Missin' his fishin'
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Abject snailure
Shannon Rose O'Shea: The trout, the whole trout, and nothing but the trout, so help me cod
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Sorry, not sorry
Shannon Rose O'Shea: She works hard for the sunny
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Quit staring at my bass
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Alas, poor froggie! I knew him well.
Shannon Rose O'Shea: It's always sunny in Harrisburg
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Not bad for a beginner
Shannon Rose O'Shea: I can scarcely believe my eye
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Eye caramba!
Shannon Rose O'Shea: I was made for sunny days
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Like a fish out of water
Shannon Rose O'Shea: M'm! M'm! Good!
Shannon Rose O'Shea: I hope that's not Gary
Shannon Rose O'Shea: "Stop looking at my bass!"
Shannon Rose O'Shea: No guts, no gory
Shannon Rose O'Shea: "J'aime les escargots"
Shannon Rose O'Shea: High as a kite
Shannon Rose O'Shea: May the fish be with you
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Boom! Snailed it!!
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Winner winner, fish for dinner
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Snack attack
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Fresh fish and a good cigar. The only thing missing is a Scotch on the rocks.
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Stop dragon my heart around
Shannon Rose O'Shea: "I opened up a can of whoop-bass!"