Shannon Belecque:
Shannon Belecque:
These Monuments stand tall with hopes of one day remaining there forever, sometimes thats thats not the case, the time taken to recreate the feeling of being in its presence can never be taken down memories like this are timeless
Shannon Belecque:
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
Shannon Belecque:
And the seasons, they go round and round, And the painted ponies go up and down.We're captive on the carousel of time.
Shannon Belecque:
a quich visit to the eiffel tower, not a word in the world describes the joy of standing under it looking up in awe trying your best to treasure the memory forever.
Shannon Belecque:
the memories worth remembering are the ones youll never forget, its the moments that you cherish that you dont need to have written to remember
Shannon Belecque:
Breaking out from the shadows is a act of courage and bravery, stepping into the light just to see what lies ahead of you its the thrill of the fight
Shannon Belecque:
Nothing goes up a spiral staircase. So when it came time to move furniture up there, we brought it in through a window.
Shannon Belecque:
c'est les journees que quand vous pensiez que votre voyage est fini, ensuite tu realise que c'est a cette instant ou c'est seulement le commencement du voyage
Shannon Belecque:
Shannon Belecque:
Shannon Belecque:
Shannon Belecque:
Shannon Belecque:
Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.
Shannon Belecque:
The tour eiffel, c'est une moment connue mondial, une momument ou les couples tien les mains et marchent en souriant
Shannon Belecque:
All roads indeed lead to Paris, but theirs also is a more mystical destination, some bourne of which no traveller knows the name, some city, they all seem to hint, even more eternal.
Shannon Belecque:
We all have this deep-rooted fascination with the wild. It's as simple as feeding squirrels and pigeons on a park bench for some people.
Shannon Belecque:
The bells ring, with hope that all will come to praise the lord.
Shannon Belecque:
le petit prince-Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications.
Shannon Belecque:
I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely
Shannon Belecque:
He liked to bet with the other justices, over lots of things, such as how much rain would fall in the courtyard
Shannon Belecque:
The banners of the king advance, the mystery of the cross shines bright; where his life went through with death, and from death brought forth life.
Shannon Belecque:
When you set out on your journey to the louvre, pray that the road is short.. because its not
Shannon Belecque:
We need block cells with solid doors that contain a small window for viewing inside the cell. Those are safer than cells with bars. Also, we don't need to be locking and unlocking doors with keys. We need buttons.
Shannon Belecque:
His music is great but I like him as a man. Willie has had his ups and downs but he's a good man. He helps farmers, he shares his wealth and he has a lot of integrity.
Shannon Belecque:
the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
Shannon Belecque:
the merry go round,how merilly we go round...
Shannon Belecque:
but im Weak on my feet, wound you light my candle?