shannonbb: Boudreaux and Tux
shannonbb: portrait of a cat (happy furry friday)
shannonbb: Ra watches over
shannonbb: happy (extremely) furry friday
shannonbb: DSCF2213
shannonbb: reaching
shannonbb: billy bathing
shannonbb: billys eyes
shannonbb: billy with hibiscus
shannonbb: Cat Nap
shannonbb: I'm Ready for my Bath Mom!
shannonbb: Smuckers
shannonbb: snake eye
shannonbb: tail to tail
shannonbb: DSCF2972
shannonbb: I WANT YOU.....TO PET ME!
shannonbb: getting some lovin'
shannonbb: Boudreaux in the Sky
shannonbb: Boudreaux is intrigued...
shannonbb: reaching
shannonbb: Boudreaux
shannonbb: Billy in Black and White
shannonbb: Billy Speaks
shannonbb: mmm mmmm mmm that sun feels good
shannonbb: guardian angel
shannonbb: Smuckers