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stshank: Wolf Creek backpacking
stshank: Wolf Creek backpacking
stshank: Stick fencing
stshank: Stick fencing
stshank: Wolf Creek backpacking
stshank: Bob wahr
stshank: Carson-Iceberg camping
stshank: Carson-Iceberg camping
stshank: Carson-Iceberg camping
stshank: Carson-Iceberg camping
stshank: Carson-Iceberg camping
stshank: Carson-Iceberg camping
stshank: Molly vs the wilderness
stshank: crescent moon
stshank: kayaking past the shipwreck
stshank: Kayaking north of Half Moon Bay
stshank: Figuring out this how to ride a bike thing
stshank: Figuring out this how to ride a bike thing
stshank: Speaking before San Carlos City Council
stshank: Speaking before San Carlos City Council
stshank: Electric Caltrain is awesome
stshank: Adobe HQ, San Jose
stshank: BEAT concert opening night
stshank: BEAT concert opening night
stshank: BEAT concert opening night
stshank: red-shouldered hawk