stshank: Ferocactus cylindraceus
stshank: Joshua Tree 49 Palms Oasis hike
stshank: Joshua Tree 49 Palms Oasis hike
stshank: Rachel approaches 49 Palms oasis
stshank: Fan palm trees
stshank: Fan palm trees
stshank: Ferocactus cylindraceus
stshank: ATKS and the mistletoe berries
stshank: Ferocactus cylindraceus
stshank: Joshua Tree 49 Palms Oasis hike
stshank: Joshua Tree 49 Palms Oasis hike
stshank: Joshua Tree Hidden Valley hike
stshank: Joshua Tree Hidden Valley hike
stshank: Joshua Tree Hidden Valley hike
stshank: Coyote in the parking lot