stshank: Playing Chinese checkers
stshank: Lake Powell hike
stshank: Sapsucker tree
stshank: Sapsucker tree
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Levi makes a photosphere image
stshank: Fabulous Konrabulous
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: "Horse's teeth" in granite
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Rachel expounds
stshank: Levi amuses the baby
stshank: Powell Lake hike
stshank: Levi sneaks up on Susanna
stshank: Huge flat slab of granite useful for sacrificial rites
stshank: Powell Lake hike