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Fresh fruit and local Georgian wine on sale by the roadside
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Georgians are proud of their wine and sell it by the gallon!
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Jinvali/ Zhinvali reservoir just outside of Tbilisi
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Georgia has fjords too, only they don't seem to know it!
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Posing by the Jinvali/ Zhinvali reservoir
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The countryside around the water reservoir
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The Jinvali/ Zhinvali water reservoir is indeed very beautiful
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Another pose- quite a crowd had gathered to take in the view by then
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The water reservoir from behind the bushes
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A final look at the Tbilisi water reservoir on the way to Kakheti
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My taxi driver wanted to take one for pic of me
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A true fairy tale setting- the Ananuri Fortress
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The parking lot near the Ananuri fort
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The fortress looks so beautiful even without the lake foreground
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The fairy tale like Ananuri fort/ monastery
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I simply suck at selfies!
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A passing Arab tourist with his family took this shot of me against the fairy tale view
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My second attempt wasn't all that bad!
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You enter the ramparts of Ananuri by descending a few steps
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Majestic church in the Ananuri complex
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Arab visitors outside the Ananuri church
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Beautiful cast iron sign in Georgian and Russian
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Cavernous interior of Church of Assumption in Ananuri
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Looking up the high dome inside the Ananuri church
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Tourists snap pictures inside the Ananuri church
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Outside the church is a beautiful look-out kiosk
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Steps lead down into what I think is the dungeon/ prison
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Looking out from the dungeon/ prison
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Walking around the Ananuri fort/ church complex
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A ramp leads up to the top of the fort wall