shanghai surprise: Oakland airport
shanghai surprise: Henry lights the candles
shanghai surprise: Foster and Henry
shanghai surprise: Henry waits to blow out his candles
shanghai surprise: The birthday boy
shanghai surprise: Mom, Henry and his monster boots
shanghai surprise: Anshu at her apartment
shanghai surprise: Boston brunch
shanghai surprise: Trixie in the snow
shanghai surprise: Me, Bess, Jazz and Adam in Boston
shanghai surprise: Carolyn, Chris and Kevin after Chinese dinner
shanghai surprise: Chris and the couch
shanghai surprise: Carrie and John
shanghai surprise: Carrie and her b-day present
shanghai surprise: John, me and Ken at the Geffen theater
shanghai surprise: Ken, Carrie and John at the Geffen
shanghai surprise: Mom in the Cave of the Mounds
shanghai surprise: the "life line" of the cave
shanghai surprise: cave stuff
shanghai surprise: John in the cave
shanghai surprise: John on the roof of the new museum in Madison
shanghai surprise: Me in the museum