strotter13: Playing in the Pipes
strotter13: IMG_1579Adjusted
strotter13: IMG_1568
strotter13: Gaussian Blur
strotter13: Kissing
strotter13: HangTime
strotter13: Kylah Sideways
strotter13: Kylah Hovering
strotter13: Disneyland
strotter13: Hold On!!
strotter13: Are you watching me?
strotter13: You......
strotter13: Daddy's Boot
strotter13: Over Excitement
strotter13: Maternity Mom
strotter13: Merry Christmas
strotter13: Duck Face!
strotter13: Do you see the elephants legs?
strotter13: Excitement
strotter13: Christmas Excitement
strotter13: Is That A Present in There?
strotter13: Black And White Lion