shanerh: Cabin work.
shanerh: New Years breakfast- Dutch baby & sausages.
shanerh: Adult stacking blocks to ring in the new year.
shanerh: Build Justin build.
shanerh: Out for a little walk to stretch the legs after a long drive.
shanerh: Special frozen yogurt treat
shanerh: One of Isadora's gifts- a rare shot of her actually trying something on before ripping into another gift.
shanerh: Out on a Christmas walk delivering cookies.
shanerh: Grandma Leora Allen's Christmas Breads 2012
shanerh: 10 years old and I'm still loving my Cobbworks oyster buckets.
shanerh: Oregon kids. Blowing bubbles in the rain.
shanerh: Let the three day cooking marathon begin! #cookies #ChristmasBreads #HolidayFeasts