shanerh: Madsen Bikes Come to Eugene
shanerh: That's about 600 lbs
shanerh: Madsen Cargo Bike
shanerh: Hmmmm, funny bummer about long chain runs.
shanerh: The Madsen Cargo Bike Bucket
shanerh: The required NW accessory (prototype)
shanerh: Madsen Family Mobile (with prototype rain cover)
shanerh: Bike is the new Black.
shanerh: Good doggie.
shanerh: Loaded up with the four kids.
shanerh: Hi Shane! Ready to Roll
shanerh: Stable and easy with four kids inside
shanerh: Time for Mom to try.
shanerh: The Bunny Ears totally go with the bike.
shanerh: Now that's a Family Vehicle
shanerh: Pretty.
shanerh: Hold on!
shanerh: I like it!
shanerh: Moms turn.
shanerh: Lane with Cetma showed up- COOL things in the works with him too!
shanerh: Good Beer, Good Bar-b-Que, Fun Bikes, what more is there?!