shanecotee: Pyramid
shanecotee: Japanese Gardens 1
shanecotee: Japanese Gardens 2
shanecotee: Japanese Gardens 3
shanecotee: Japanese Gardens 4
shanecotee: Japanese Gardens 5
shanecotee: Japanese Gardens 6
shanecotee: Pittock Mansion Viewpoint Panorama
shanecotee: I-5 Interstate Bridge
shanecotee: Remnants
shanecotee: Portland Convention Towers (Panorama)
shanecotee: Portland from Pittock Mansion
shanecotee: Portland 8/14/2014 (Panorama)
shanecotee: Unknown Church in Portland
shanecotee: Portland and the Mostly-Super Moon
shanecotee: Boquet of Bokeh
shanecotee: Before the "Super Moon"
shanecotee: Portland Traffic (Evening)
shanecotee: Portland Traffic (Night)
shanecotee: IMG_9845
shanecotee: IMG_9832
shanecotee: IMG_9831
shanecotee: IMG_9830
shanecotee: IMG_9796
shanecotee: IMG_9798
shanecotee: IMG_9799
shanecotee: IMG_9827
shanecotee: Hawthorne Bridge Tilt+Shift
shanecotee: Pioneer Square Deco
shanecotee: IMG_9808_09_10_11_12_tonemapped-2