Shane Guy: "Intersection of Swann Avenue and South Boulevard, facing northeast"
Shane Guy: Whaley's
Shane Guy: So long
Shane Guy: Tribute
Shane Guy: The back room
Shane Guy: Watermark #3
Shane Guy: Watermark #2
Shane Guy: Watermark #1
Shane Guy: Close encounters
Shane Guy: Whaley's #5
Shane Guy: Armenia Ave.
Shane Guy: Skypoint
Shane Guy: 12th and Washington - #5
Shane Guy: Automobiles on Bay Street, #2 (color)
Shane Guy: Rick Wright (R.I.P.)
Shane Guy: September 11th
Shane Guy: Jim Rome (signing a pipe or two)
Shane Guy: The Causeway
Shane Guy: Overpasses (Crosstown Expressway)
Shane Guy: Ryan!
Shane Guy: 12th St. #2
Shane Guy: Holy crow!
Shane Guy: Living room
Shane Guy: Maybe Foreign #7
Shane Guy: Down Armenia Avenue
Shane Guy: Platt Street
Shane Guy: Maybe Foreign #8
Shane Guy: Maybe Foreign #9
Shane Guy: I'm back