Shancat: cloudy day in Santa Cruz
Shancat: me and beck at the beach
Shancat: Santa Cruz lighthouse
Shancat: sea lions chillin on the beach
Shancat: SC boardwalk
Shancat: Interesting outdoor decorating
Shancat: SC cliffs
Shancat: SC shore
Shancat: me and the Pacific
Shancat: hills in SC
Shancat: beck and I enjoying the sun
Shancat: view of SF from Jonathan and Jean's place
Shancat: another view from J&J's balcony
Shancat: Galen about to give me a kiss through the window
Shancat: beck secretly snaps one
Shancat: SF view
Shancat: Seebs Jules me and Beth high atop SF
Shancat: Jules me and B
Shancat: the girls at dinner
Shancat: beth and me at dinner - looking normal
Shancat: token cab shot
Shancat: trying to discreetly take a picture of the weirdo with the accordian
Shancat: The Crookedest Street
Shancat: Lombard Street looking up
Shancat: cheek to cheek
Shancat: 6 ND girls in Napa
Shancat: beth seebs and J in the back of the napa limo
Shancat: Fountains at Sterling
Shancat: wine country