Shamus O'Reilly: My guide to "Lost"
Shamus O'Reilly: A crash course on Lost Seasons 1 + 2
Shamus O'Reilly: Jody's picture is worth a thousand words
Shamus O'Reilly: Still Lost?
Shamus O'Reilly: "Obi-Wan has taught you well."
Shamus O'Reilly: Sorry, that Took a while
Shamus O'Reilly: My playful guide to William Shakespeare
Shamus O'Reilly: “I'll make him an guide he can't refuse.”
Shamus O'Reilly: Hogwarts Guide for Muggles - please take note
Shamus O'Reilly: A guide to Game of Thrones seasons 1-7
Shamus O'Reilly: My Game of Thrones drinking game - yes Cerseiously!
Shamus O'Reilly: Spoiler Alert - I snow didn't see that coming!