Shamus O'Reilly:
Shamus O'Reilly:
Jody’s grandpa didn’t mind making a spectacle of himself
Shamus O'Reilly:
Jumping at Queen Square, Bristol
Shamus O'Reilly:
It's pandamonium out there!
Shamus O'Reilly:
Q. Why did the Gorilla fail the English exam? He had little Ape-titude!
Shamus O'Reilly:
It went down like a lead balloon
Shamus O'Reilly:
Keep the wolf from the door
Shamus O'Reilly:
Bad to the bone
Shamus O'Reilly:
Mum's the word
Shamus O'Reilly:
Watching the Moon Jellyfish for too long leads to lunar-sea
Shamus O'Reilly:
Paint Pot Angel
Shamus O'Reilly:
Oh bouy, SS Great Britain is one hull of a ship
Shamus O'Reilly:
First time I have seen a skeleton on a toilet with ping pong balls
Shamus O'Reilly:
Shamus O'Reilly:
Molly wasn't exactly over the moon
Shamus O'Reilly:
Molly's adorable warm head and Jody's cold nose
Shamus O'Reilly:
Dem Bones Dem Bones Dem Dry Bones
Shamus O'Reilly:
God hated selling used cars, but it's just his lot in life.
Shamus O'Reilly:
Keep your head above water
Shamus O'Reilly:
The view was really uplifting
Shamus O'Reilly:
Keep hold of your bits!
Shamus O'Reilly:
Jack got a grip on his climbing abilities
Shamus O'Reilly:
Jody in high spirits
Shamus O'Reilly:
Jack goes ape
Shamus O'Reilly:
Our egg-stravagent designs
Shamus O'Reilly:
Molly's roll... egg-citing drama!
Shamus O'Reilly:
Egg-streme sport!
Shamus O'Reilly:
Shipshape and Bristol fashion
Shamus O'Reilly:
Brick wall in a tree? ... I was stumped