Shamus O'Reilly: Enjoying my first Trappist Westmatte at Het Elfde Gebod – The Eleventh Commandment.
Shamus O'Reilly: A wonderfully surreal pub filled with statues and religious artefacts
Shamus O'Reilly: The service was great and I loved the kitsch atmosphere – could it be my favourite pub!?
Shamus O'Reilly: I didn’t find out what the eleventh commandment was – hopefully it is "thou shalt enjoy!"
Shamus O'Reilly: Playing with the penguins at the zoo – mesmerising watching them jumping, diving and swimming!
Shamus O'Reilly: The legend is a giant called Antigoon was slain by Brabo who threw the giants hand into the river – Dutch for hand throwing is hand werpen hence Antwerp (not really).
Shamus O'Reilly: I found this statue a bit peculiar!
Shamus O'Reilly: Across the road from the conference they were playing giant Connect Four!!!
Shamus O'Reilly: Exploring some of Antwerp’s port, the second largest in Europe
Shamus O'Reilly: I loved the details – the expressions, hair pulling and flames.
Shamus O'Reilly: Diamond Museum had special exhibition called Bling Bling - the crown jewels of hip hop – zoom in to check out that ride!
Shamus O'Reilly: Enjoying the architecture of Leuven