Shamsuri B.: The Artist - In B&W
Shamsuri B.: Garden By The Bay
Shamsuri B.: It's A 200m Stretch
Shamsuri B.: Looks Like LegoLand
Shamsuri B.: C.S.I.
Shamsuri B.: Rigs' Spot
Shamsuri B.: Auctioned
Shamsuri B.: It's Gonna Rain Again
Shamsuri B.: A Social Visit
Shamsuri B.: Cruise Bay
Shamsuri B.: Calling All Passengers
Shamsuri B.: A Quiet Morning
Shamsuri B.: Squall At Sunset
Shamsuri B.: Insanity
Shamsuri B.: Beautiful Squall
Shamsuri B.: Show Me The Light
Shamsuri B.: Imagine