Art-slice: water and life
Art-slice: A journey..
Art-slice: back to the nature
Art-slice: Serene scene in the tropical forest
Art-slice: refreshing
Art-slice: discovery
Art-slice: obstacle ahead
Art-slice: stream and flow
Art-slice: Milky Falls
Art-slice: Rushing down from the top
Art-slice: Rushing down the bridge
Art-slice: Falls...
Art-slice: Nature's Serenity
Art-slice: Nature's Call
Art-slice: Heaven in the Jungle
Art-slice: Akar-akar Kehidupan
Art-slice: Cahaya Pagi Menyinari
Art-slice: Hidden Beauty
Art-slice: Forest & Falls
Art-slice: The Best Place to Study
Art-slice: Stream
Art-slice: Pool of fresh water
Art-slice: Stages Flow