shamam: Japan countdown widget!
shamam: Made it!
shamam: Mori Tower
shamam: She just popped up there
shamam: Maman
shamam: Me again
shamam: Mori garden
shamam: I'm not sure. A TV show?
shamam: Is that an emoticon?
shamam: At least they're honest
shamam: Another Mori building
shamam: Not sure. I'll get back to you
shamam: I love the Japanese subway system.
shamam: Fish catching game
shamam: This kid scored
shamam: Ritual hand washing
shamam: Good luck charms
shamam: Large glass of Sake
shamam: Dinner!
shamam: Akihabara
shamam: IMG_0118.JPG
shamam: Hachiko 忠犬ハチ公
shamam: Paul
shamam: Shibuya Scramble
shamam: Apple Store Shibuya
shamam: Disney store
shamam: Shibuya
shamam: Shibuya Scramble