Shakti Womyn:
View from the 25th Floor
Shakti Womyn:
The menu for the Evening
Shakti Womyn:
The Table is set
Shakti Womyn:
Quail Eggs w/ Tequila'd Watermelon
Shakti Womyn:
Salt Choices for the Quail Eggs
Shakti Womyn:
Salt Choices for the Quail Eggs
Shakti Womyn:
More Quail Eggs
Shakti Womyn:
An Enthusiastic Guest
Shakti Womyn:
Anchovy Toast and Parmesan Brulee
Shakti Womyn:
Anchovy Toast with Parmesan Brulee
Shakti Womyn:
Parmesan Brulee
Shakti Womyn:
Pork Belly & Onions
Shakti Womyn:
Radish Salad with a Truffle Vinaigrette
Shakti Womyn:
Fig Tart
Shakti Womyn:
Slicing the Fig Tart
Shakti Womyn:
The Exciting Gluten Free Dessert
Shakti Womyn:
Fig Tart with Blue Cheese
Shakti Womyn:
Shakti Womyn:
The Table
Shakti Womyn:
Shakti Womyn:
Miami looking East
Shakti Womyn:
Miami at night
Shakti Womyn:
Looking Northwest
Shakti Womyn:
Northwest Miami skyline
Shakti Womyn:
Miami Beach