Shakespearesmonkey: Duane Hanson (Serpentine Sackler) A poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Poem in praise of The Widows Son, Bromley-by-Bow
Shakespearesmonkey: Raspberry Pi-et Painted poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Garden Green, poem in acrylics+ iPad Brushes app
Shakespearesmonkey: "Infinity" - Painted Poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Christopher Merrett, the British discoverer of methode champenoise
Shakespearesmonkey: End of the world, a poem
Shakespearesmonkey: The Road Not Taken
Shakespearesmonkey: Two poems for Damien Hirst
Shakespearesmonkey: Crossing the Why, painting and poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Joy 1. (Painting and poem)
Shakespearesmonkey: Poem - A car in Bagdad
Shakespearesmonkey: A Face in the Crowd
Shakespearesmonkey: Candles, a painted poem
Shakespearesmonkey: The eyes have it (For April's Deadline Painting Group)
Shakespearesmonkey: Deadline Painting Group May 2009: "Seasonal"
Shakespearesmonkey: Verses on a Mulberry Tree on crutches in St James Park, London
Shakespearesmonkey: CCTV camera under observation
Shakespearesmonkey: Constable's Flatford Mill: a poem
Shakespearesmonkey: After seeing Rachel Whiteread's holocaust memorial in Vienna
Shakespearesmonkey: Crossing the Why - Poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Provence
Shakespearesmonkey: Brickbats, a painted poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Westmeath: a poem written in 1966 before a first visit to Westmeath in search of my Irish roots Photo: Niall McAuley
Shakespearesmonkey: Teeth, a poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Fish tank - painted poem with acrylics and pallette knife
Shakespearesmonkey: Raspberry Pi art. Triptych of innards of three models of the micro-computer - the tiny one is the £4 Zero model!
Shakespearesmonkey: Ex Nihilo, a poem
Shakespearesmonkey: Poem On this golf course near Cardiff in Wales a Scottish earl planted Britain's biggest recent vineyard in the 1890s
Shakespearesmonkey: Painted Poem for Flickr's Deadline Painting Group, June