Shai Coggins: Hello. I'm Shai Coggins and I am a Sketching and Shoes-a-holic. Bought the custom-made Roman sandals + waterproof black flats during my trip to Italy. Sketched them and my winter slippers for an online sketching class I'm taking. Though I must say that th
Shai Coggins: Chocolate Kisses & Onion. Nope, not a recipe. Just another assignment for #SketchbookSkool. :) This time, it's a coloured pencil page in my sketchbook. Though I'm not usually a fan of coloured pencils on their own as a medium, I quite like how this page
Shai Coggins: Tuesday Dinner sketch. Sketched chicken tinola ingredients for #SketchbookSkool Lesson 4 in Beginnings course. Unfortunately, I didn't test the paper before I started sketching. The paper didn't take watercolours well and it started buckling and tearing.
Shai Coggins: This week's #SketchbookSkool class is all about sketching animals - from toy replicas or natural museum displays. I used an elephant from ny son's collection. Feeling overwhelmed as I find animal sketching very challenging. Here's my second attempt at the
Shai Coggins: Sketchbook: Sleeping Blue