shahidul001: The unknown ahead 8235
shahidul001: Abdul Halim a dalal from Comilla
shahidul001: Abul Hossain's gift for mum 9076
shahidul001: Abul Hossain with mother and wife 2604
shahidul001: Abul Hossain 2791
shahidul001: The Best years of my life final cover
shahidul001: Bangladesh High Commissioner 1288
shahidul001: Bangladeshi construction workers at night shift in Ampang 7803
shahidul001: Bangladeshi workers on Eid Day 9197
shahidul001: Belal 9803
shahidul001: Bengali Mosque Penang 9974
shahidul001: Bharat Tea Estate Panorama 6829
shahidul001: Breaking class barriers 8860
shahidul001: Cameron Highlands top view 0405
shahidul001: Changing money at Shahjalal airport 9063 (Journey)
shahidul001: Chess at Titiwangsa 9571
shahidul001: Child of Abul Hassan's brother 2494
shahidul001: Dancing the night away 8821
shahidul001: Dato Agarwal 9707
shahidul001: Dato Hanif and wife 0742
shahidul001: Eid party Kuala Lumpur 2640
shahidul001: Eid prayers at Masjid Negara 5780
shahidul001: Factory group photo 0731
shahidul001: Galvanised pipes 9200
shahidul001: Gift for Abul's mum 9072
shahidul001: Glorene A Das ED Tanaganita 1533
shahidul001: Title banner of exhibition
shahidul001: Irene Aegile and Glorene1539
shahidul001: Worker I met at BHC 1324
shahidul001: Letter