shahidul001: Tampaco fire
shahidul001: Firefighters before daybreak at Tampaco Foil Ltd.
shahidul001: Tampaco Foil Fire
shahidul001: The dream and the reality
shahidul001: Tofael grieves for relative
shahidul001: #Firefighters at #Tampaco #Garments photo: Shahidul Alam/DrikNews
shahidul001: Charred remains of bicycle 1137
shahidul001: Community response
shahidul001: Fire fighters
shahidul001: Flyover
shahidul001: Like a deck of cards
shahidul001: Waiting
shahidul001: Ambulance carries wounded man to hospital #Tampaco #fire #Bangladesh
shahidul001: Firefighters try to put out fire at Tampaco Foil Ltd. # Bangladesh #disaster #fire Photo: Shahidul Alam/DrikNews
shahidul001: Fire engines outside Tampaco Foil Ltd
shahidul001: Relatives of Anisur Rahman
shahidul001: Building prone to collapse Tampaco Foil
shahidul001: Couple at Ward 103 Dhaka Medical College Hospital
shahidul001: Mohammad Rokon in XRay room at DMCH
shahidul001: Rokon with his sister about to go into XRay room at DMCH
shahidul001: Rokon with his wife Razia Sofail at ward 103 Dhaka Medical College Hospital
shahidul001: #Tampaco Foil Ltd. Factory building before demolition #industry #hazard #safety #Bangladesh