shahidul001: Selfie at Cairo hotel in early 2011 just before Tahrir Square erupted 9520
shahidul001: Protestor in Cairo 9524
shahidul001: Street food in Cairo 9530
shahidul001: Calm city streets in Cairo leading up to Tahrir Square revolt 9532
shahidul001: Dolls in shop window in Cairo street 9533
shahidul001: Street food in Cairo 9536
shahidul001: Men and women smoking shisha in Cairo streets 9534
shahidul001: Art shop for tourists in Cairo marketplace 9564
shahidul001: Sphinx under brooding sky 9692
shahidul001: Woman in Egyptian Cafe
shahidul001: Press Conference at Cairo Photo Week
shahidul001: With Felix and Venus in Cairo
shahidul001: Construction worker in Cairo street
shahidul001: Maggie Steber and Mahmoud Abou Zeid Shawkan 0104