shaggy67: Alex Nadzan conducting the culture class on repotting
shaggy67: Paul Tuskes, assisted by his wife, speaking on Encyclias
shaggy67: Paul Tuskes and an Encyclia hybrid
shaggy67: C. intermedia "Crestwood" - Bill Wong
shaggy67: Zygo. Adelaide Parklands "Green Dragon" - Gil Ho
shaggy67: Zygo. Kiwi Klassic Kuddler - Bill Wong
shaggy67: Galeopetalum Ink Spot - Renate Schmidt
shaggy67: C. intermedia var. alba - Bill Wong
shaggy67: Lc. Stonehouse - Phyllis Prestia
shaggy67: C. intermedia "Orlata" - Bill Wong
shaggy67: Bct. Robert Randall - Anita Spencer
shaggy67: Enc. cochleata - Merle Robboy
shaggy67: IMG_6948 - Version 2
shaggy67: Lc. Gold Digger "Orchid Jungle" - Alex Nadzan
shaggy67: Lc. Schilleriana - Alex Nadzan
shaggy67: Sarc. Cherie "Speckled Rose" x Sarc. Fitzhart "Red"
shaggy67: Sarc. Cherie "Speckled Rose" x Sarc. Fitzhart "Red"
shaggy67: Paph. dayanum - Gil Ho
shaggy67: Phal. Chian Xen Diamond - Harry Clyde
shaggy67: Paph. hybrid - Harry Clyde
shaggy67: Cym. Val Peck - Warren Stehle
shaggy67: Cym. Val Peck - Warren Stehle
shaggy67: Cym. Ann Dominic "St. Shirley" - Helge Weissig
shaggy67: Cym. Pee Wee - Alex Nadzan
shaggy67: Cecily Bird with her orchid Cym. Cecily Bird
shaggy67: Cym. Cecily Bird
shaggy67: Odontoglossum cordatum
shaggy67: Rhynchostele ehrenbergii - Helge Weissig
shaggy67: Dendrochilum glumaceum - Merle Robboy
shaggy67: Enc. oncidioides