Shadrock: Haiti from the air
Shadrock: Northern Haiti from the air
Shadrock: Travel in Haiti
Shadrock: "Executive Villas" in Port au Prince
Shadrock: Hotel view: interior
Shadrock: A rare sighting
Shadrock: Juan Wayne
Shadrock: Rue_15_Oct_PaP
Shadrock: Hotel view: exterior
Shadrock: Hotel Wall
Shadrock: "Park Responsibly"
Shadrock: Hotel Wall Take 2
Shadrock: The Long Hard Road
Shadrock: Get in the Van...
Shadrock: Visa Line
Shadrock: The Guard
Shadrock: U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince
Shadrock: Haiti Market
Shadrock: IDP Camp in Tabarre
Shadrock: Tap-tap
Shadrock: Example of a little market (background)
Shadrock: 4 lane dirt road
Shadrock: Creol sign
Shadrock: Settlement north of Port au Prince
Shadrock: Settlement north of Port au Prince
Shadrock: Mine just outside Port au Prince
Shadrock: DLA 5
Shadrock: Street scene in town of Cabaret
Shadrock: Mountains to the East of Williamson
Shadrock: Mayro working en route