ShadowSylph: Checking the Clearing
ShadowSylph: Under the Wires
ShadowSylph: Breaking the Silence
ShadowSylph: Past the Cement Tubes
ShadowSylph: Broken Fence
ShadowSylph: Passing By
ShadowSylph: Banjo sniff 2
ShadowSylph: Banjo Sniff
ShadowSylph: Grace stays warm
ShadowSylph: aunt bea
ShadowSylph: Scrappy and Charlie just chillin'
ShadowSylph: playing under the far table
ShadowSylph: playing under the near table
ShadowSylph: Scrappy!
ShadowSylph: Ki and Annie
ShadowSylph: Ki loves backyards
ShadowSylph: unfinished deck or dog fort?
ShadowSylph: Sam's new frog habitat
ShadowSylph: Annie doesn't stop moving
ShadowSylph: Annie surveys the construction
ShadowSylph: Shadow checks the door
ShadowSylph: Shadow gets pets
ShadowSylph: playing with Shadow
ShadowSylph: Smokey
ShadowSylph: Ki and Annie - together at last
ShadowSylph: Smokey
ShadowSylph: a rare still moment
ShadowSylph: BFF butts