Shadows in Reflection: Nodding Trillium
Shadows in Reflection: Fringed Polygala
Shadows in Reflection: Birdsfoot Violet
Shadows in Reflection: Trout Lilyland
Shadows in Reflection: Cari's Hepatica
Shadows in Reflection: Confused and Alone
Shadows in Reflection: Frosty Coneflower Goodness
Shadows in Reflection: Dwarf Lake Iris
Shadows in Reflection: Anthers and Pistil
Shadows in Reflection: Wood Lily II
Shadows in Reflection: Flatleaf Bladderwort
Shadows in Reflection: Ontario Lobelia
Shadows in Reflection: Prarie Blazing Star
Shadows in Reflection: Nodding Ladies Tresses
Shadows in Reflection: Cardinal Flower
Shadows in Reflection: Fringed Gentian
Shadows in Reflection: Great Lobelia
Shadows in Reflection: Swamp Thistle
Shadows in Reflection: Solstice Sol's What is it? #11
Shadows in Reflection: First Flower